Northern New England Society of Addiction Medicine

Supporting Regional Multidisciplinary Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

NNESAM is a chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) representing Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. NNESAM shares ASAM’s vision: “A future when addiction prevention, treatment, remission and recovery are accessible to all, and profoundly improve the health of all people.”

Learn more: Mission, Purposes and Goals

What We Do – Education, Networking and Advocacy

NNESAM offers Scientific Educational CME conferences providing ASAM approved evidence based information. These conferences emphasize regional expertise, issues and networking.

NNESAM monitors our state legislations and provides formal testimony and other advocacy on state policy matters pertaining to addiction treatment.

NNESAM provides a delegation to ASAM’s “HILL DAY” to meet with Congressional members of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont for advocacy on federal policy matters pertaining to addiction treatment.

Who Can Join

ASAM has historically been a physician organization. In 2013, to improve access to and quality of addiction treatment, ASAM began offering Associate Membership to non-physician addiction professionals who teach, conduct research or provide clinical care for individuals who are at risk for, or have, a substance use disorder. Associate members must have a degree in an “eligible profession” which includes nurses at all levels, physician assistants, psychologists, counselors, social workers and others.

Learn about membership

Useful Links

Contact NNESAM officers with questions or interest in getting more involved with the organization.

Go to ASAM’s website for our national organization position statements, upcoming educational events, advocacy issues or to connect with ASAM’s knowledgeable staff.


Visit our Chapter News for the latest news and information.