February 23, 2022
In the depth of winter I learned that within me lay an invincible summer ~ Albert Camus
Dear NNESAM Member,
Happy February (near March)! As the new NNESAM president I send warm greetings. The following are the members of our current Board of Officers as of December 4, 2021 (it took me a bit to figure out how to ‘publish’ on a website!!).
Molly Rossignol, DO (NH) President (2021-2023/4)
Fred Lord, MD (VT) president-elect (2023/4)
Judy Burk, MD (ME) Treasurer
Mark Bucksbaum, MD (VT) Secretary.
We also welcome Colleen Magne, our administrator from the Vermont Medical Society. She is our coordinator extraordinaire.
Our first announcement is that our Annual Meeting and Scientific Presentation will take place on Saturday May 7, 2022. This will be a virtual meeting with 6 hours of CME. More information will be forthcoming but please mark the date and plan to be at a screen!
As members of ASAM and NNESAM, there are many opportunities to contribute to the advancement of care of people with substance use disorders through scientific research, education and advocacy. Our board of officers meets monthly and we welcome any and all of you to join us. We would enjoy meeting you, learning of your goals in practice and drawing you in to make a difference for our communities. The next meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2022 at 7 pm. We will send a zoom link.
In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me or Colleen with ideas or needs regarding the care of our patients, bringing more to our colleagues around addiction education and participating in developing fair and needed legislation to protect and support vulnerable and marginalized populations.
Kind regards,
Molly Rossignol, DO FAAFP FASAM